Monday, February 28, 2011

Random Thoughts- 34

Travelling in the desert city, a familiar sight captivated me often. Circles of beautiful flowers cultivated amidst roundabout signals. Thousands of vehicles ply around all through the day and I believe the sight is a blessing to everyone, small and big, rich and poor alike.
I caught a rare glimpse of the gardener yesterday, working hard despite the heat and the chaos all around. Wonder whether people cast a glance at him ever. It's part of his job, some may say; he's getting paid, others may add. Yet the flowers are the fruit of his labor; perhaps he deserves more than his pay; a pat on the back, for a job well done.

The fruit of your labor for the Kingdom of God may be enjoyed by many, but perhaps the appreciation that you receive may be little. But do not worry unduly about that. There's coming a day, not so far in the future, when you will certainly hear the Master's voice saying,
'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'


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